Friday, October 31, 2008


Well, I got suspended from work for 1 day.

How did it happen? Well there is this annoying guy at work named Alfred. He is a food runner from the lounge. He carries this plastic tray to cart the food and dirty dishes around. This tray is huge, about three feet in diameter. Whenever he comes to the kitchen, he drops the tray on the ground to try and scare us. It was a busy night and I was madly prepping to replace the food I had used and he drops his tray on the tiles and scares the hell out of me. I almost cut one of my fingers off. He then asks me if I can make his something to eat. I said, "You want something to eat? Here have a potato!" and I hurl a baked potato at his head. "Want some sausage and bacon? Here motherfucker!" and I started flinging raw sausage and bacon at him. He ran out of the kitchen so fast and I was laughing my ass off.

Well, about 30 minutes later, my boss pulls me aside and tells me to go home and not to come back tomorrow. I was pissed, but really I could use an extra day off. At least he didn't make me peel potatoes for 5 hours.

Until next time...